After doing my Movenote presentation and providing a survey for others to complete, it was time to evaluate my results. My overall presentation was marked good by my respondents. One respondent suggested that I have more bullet points. In my years of school I have been told to not use too many bullet points because it can look clustered, but I think in the next presentation I can add a few more. Another suggestion was to ensure that the pictures did not overlap the text on the slide. I tried to fix that, but for some reason it wouldn't adjust. I could maybe try fixing the original PowerPoint to better accommodate the screen. Another respondent said the slides were not advancing correctly and the sound was going in and out. I did not have that problem when I recorded and posted. The next time I should try accessing the link on two different computers to ensure there are no technical issues. Overall, I received good feedback. There are definitely some changes that I need to make on the next presentation, but it was very beneficial to see how it looked to others and what I can improve on. Thank you for the responses!
Taisha, I have not had much success with Movenote and probably would not use the program other than it was required in the course. I think it goes to show that trialing different technology is important prior to a big presentation. Feedback does allow one to make changes to improve but not all suggestions are feasible. Great work!
Taisha, I have not had much success with Movenote and probably would not use the program other than it was required in the course. I think it goes to show that trialing different technology is important prior to a big presentation. Feedback does allow one to make changes to improve but not all suggestions are feasible. Great work!
Feedback is wonderful as it helps us to grow and adapt. A rule of thumb I was always told when it came to presentations was the rule of 6. Every 6th slide should have a picture. Every slide should only have a max of 6 sentence as well as bullet points. I usually encourage more slides as I love visuals as a learner, but I also don't want to make pictures that it takes away from what I am trying to say. Great Job :)