New Technology = New Teaching
So we're back at it. This week I am part of the team that will be training staff on the opening of their unit. The staff will be taught the Electronic Health Record (EHR) and the use of mobile apps in the clinical setting. This is going to be a fun one. The use of technology will advance the effectiveness, accessibility, and efficiency of care. I'm ready for the ride!!
Now that I know who my group of learners are, I thought to myself, "how am I going to teach them?"
I decided to use a face-to-face delivery method for the teaching of the electronic health record (EHR) and a tutorial for the mobile apps teaching in the clinical setting. I'm going to discuss why each method is appropriate for each teaching and why it's not for the other. Stay tuned and be prepared to learn!

Let's start with the face-to-face method. This approach is appropriate for EHR teaching because it allows the staff to be in a classroom setting listening and watching me discuss the new system. This environment allows me to guide conversation and opens up the room for discussion. In order to keep them engaged I can incorporate a PowerPoint presentation that involves videos and music. I can include a game at the end to see how they picked up on the information and give them a chance to interact with other classmates. The use of this method for the mobile app teaching wouldn't be the best in my opinion. I don't think that the staff needs to be confined in a classroom to learn about mobile apps because most of them have smartphones so they can teach themselves in their own time.
The use of a tutorial for the mobile apps is good way to guide the staff through a series of objectives or tasks. This approach allows the learn to go at their own pace, which can be helpful for those that may not be as tech savvy. Just like the face-to-face method, I can use animation to intrigue the learners in wanting to be a part of the latest technology in healthcare. This approach allows for active learning and helps one to become familiar with how the apps are going to be utilized. A table of contents in this tutorial will allow for the staff to jump through different sections if a question or concern were to arise. A tutorial can be used with a face-to-face method, but I don't think that a tutorial would be as beneficial when teaching about such a huge part of what the staff will be working with. An EHR system needs more in depth information and one should be able to ask questions while being in front of someone.
There are so many ways that one can teach others. I think it is so important that the right strategy is used to ensure the learner is grasping the information. Let me know what you think and what other ways I can present my information by commenting below. All the advice is welcome. See you on the next blog!
Great blog post! I definitely feel your ideas are perfect for the scenarios given. I like how you mentioned using other methods such as games and involving music and video. This will allow for the students to stay engaged. I also felt a tutorial or e-learning would be beneficial for the mobile app. I think there are many methods of learning and incorporating the best ones for the particular time will enhance learning and engagement. I personally feel it is something that is learned with experience and a teacher who is open to adapt and listen to others.
Taisha, Great blog post. The use of a tutorial is a great idea for training new staff for the mobile applications. How would you deliver the tutorial? I have recently been trialing with short instructional videos/tutorials at my organization. I have used an iPad to take videos and used movie maker to edit the video. I did this for using our new epidural pump. It was a tutorial of me showing how to program the new pump. I got the idea from my kids watching a YouTube video of a women opening up Shopkin toys on a video. You never saw the speaker just her hands opening the packages. The girls loved these videos and I thought why not create on for the new pump. T\I use the video during orientation and the video can be access by staff online at any time for just in time training as well. I created a whole kit for each unit which included training tubing, scenarios and a check off list for those staff that missed the in house vendor training. I also have used GoToMeeting to make a tutorial for students that needed to use our vaccine reporting system. With this application I was able to share my computer screen to lead them through the process step by step.